Regions Neurosurgery

Neurosurgery at Regions Stroke and Neuroscience hospital is an unforgettable experience. With a team of 3 neurosurgeons, trained neurosurgery nurses, anesthesiologists, and the ICU team, your Neurosurgical problems can be tackled quickly and efficiently.

Our neurosurgeons, neurointensivists and operating room nurses have received training in different countries including the United States, South Africa and Nigeria.  All our team members are board certified; meaning that they have completed accredited training, sat for their board certification examinations in their various areas of expertise, passed and have been awarded certificates to practice in their areas of specialties.

The operating suite is composed of two operating rooms fully equipped with state of the art equipment, including an operating Microscope and a C-arm.

From brain tumours to brain trauma, from degenerative spine diseases to spine trauma, paediatric/congenital disorders, brain bleeds and normal pressure hydrocephalus we are here to give you exceptional care.

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Km.17, Owerri-Port Harcourt Express Road, Mgbirichi Ohaji, Imo State.

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